Rainer Maria Latzke ranked in the Russian Artist Federation List of World best Artists
Rainer Maria Latzke has been listed in the newest edition of the ARTISTS TRADE UNION OF RUSSIA
UNITED ART RATING as one of the world´s 10,000 best artists of the last four centuries.
The United Art Rating has been published as a periodical reference book since 1999 and includes Russian artists of the XVIII–XXI centuries who work, worked or were born in the territory of the Russian Empire, the USSR, Russian Federation and the former Soviet Union republics as well as a world-wide rating of artists from the XVIII–XXI centuries, forming the World Art Heritage.
The rating is based on the artistic level of works by the artists and their humanistic significance. Other criteria are professionalism, exhibition activity, and availability of works in museums, their recognition by the public, galleries and art critics, social and civil significance of works, merchantability and price level of works of art.